First get some help. Recruit some dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who are willing to help plan and get the word out. Keep the core committee group small with 3-5 members. You might want to appoint a reunion chair to arrange meetings and a treasurer to oversee finances. The rest of your team can work on various reunion tasks. Don't underestimate the work involved. Share the work amongst as many who are willing to offer their help. There are many details and arrangements. A professional planner can save you time and money and provide suggestions.
When do we start? Some committees start planning up to two years in advance. The amount of lead time you need really depends on how elaborate of an event you are planning but generally speaking the more time you give yourselves the better! Whether you are planning a simple family picnic or a formal event you will minimally want to start planning at least 12 to 16 months in advance. Don't expect to pull off a successful reunion if you start planning just 6 months before the event as many of your classmates will need significant lead time in order to participate especially those living far away.
What work items does the reunion committee need to consider?Consider dividing the work activities of your reunion committee into subcommittees or work groups.
Here is a listing of some of the tasks you will need to consider:
- date selection
- determine event venue and format
- event program
- event location / lodging selection
- financing
- classmate contact listing
- postal addresses, email addresses, phone numbers
- search for missing classmates
- web site development / maintenance
- decorations
- entertainment
- photographer
- registration & name tags
- momentos
- reunion / memories booklet
- marketing & communications
- mailers, emailings
- newspaper and internet advertising
- deceased classmates tribute
- additional reunion activities
- school tours, pre & post reunion events
- class gift to your school
Let us plan the perfect reunion for you. Call us today! 724-986-6939
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