Thursday, September 10, 2009

Going Chic and Cheap for Halloween

If you are planning a gathering for Halloween, you don't have to go all out with Hollywood sepcial effects and big bucks to make an imprression.

Make your place a bit creepy with spider webs, leaves and white sheets.
Cover your sofas, chairs, dining room table and all other large furniture items with old white sheets. It changes the room and sets the stage.

Head to the dollar store and purchase a few bags of fake cobwebs. String them over artwork, tables, over bookshelves and mirrors. This is your chance to be a bit cheesy and have fun with it.

Gather fall leaves, tumbleweeds and dead (or dried) flowers from outdoors and place them across tables and buffets. It will look like the windows opened and leaves have blown in from outside.

Add candles around the party area to cast an eerie glow. If you have an old candelabra, now is the perfect occasion to break it out. String cobwebs across the candelabra arms (not too close to the candles, or the webs can catch fire) and down the base. Add a few fake spiders to the mix and your ready to go.


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