Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reality TV and Bridal Shows

Shaun Pierce & Randy Fenoli
of TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress"
It's not hard to find some reality TV show that is connected to a wedding. Bridezilla, Best Cakes, Win Plastic Surgery. It's a bit sickening if you ask me.

So when we were approached and asked to assist in a bridal show with Randy Fenoli of the TV show "Say Yes to the Dress" I wasn't sure about it.

First, we don't often do bridal shows. I'm asked every month to buy a booth or sponsor something. The ones I've attended seem to be informational overload or just plain ineffective. We do not mass produce weddings and for me to even try to talk to 300 brides in a day doesn't do anyone any good. But I knew the person producing this one and I did it more as a favor then really expecting much from it.

I did not know what to expect from Randy either. I've seen his show, but to be honest watching people shop for a dress is not must see TV for me.

Randy was very nice. He was a fashion guy who happened to be on TV. Not a TV guy trying to fake knowing fashion. He spoke to the audience in real terms. Not everyone can do a fairytale big budget wedding and your wedding doesn't become any less important if you have a tight budget.

Many of the things he spoke about are at the core of our philosophy when we work with clients. Your wedding should be as unique as you are. It's should tell your story. Experts are there to give advice, not orders.

We have built the bridal services division of Pierce Events not by attending bride shows, producing slick marketing pieces or advertising campaigns. We have built it by understanding our clients needs, meeting those needs in every way possible and understanding it is an honor to a part of such an important event.

It's always nice to make new friends who do what they love and love what they do. After all weddings don't happen without love.

Pierce Events offers complete event planning, production and management services for corporate, social and non-profit events. For more information and other helpful tips visit our website at http://www.pierceevents.net/

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