Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Power of Promotion: Social Media

It does not matter how wonderful your event is if no one comes. I just heard of a recent event in which the planner was expecting 2000 people to attend over 3 days. Final count was 200. A huge loss in many ways.

We at Pierce Events use Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and even this blog to keep up to date with clients, friends, other event pros and those interested in the events we produce.

Social media is a great way to engage with your audience, or potential audience, before and after your next event. Social media platforms are the quickest, most effective way of reaching out to your audience to promote your event and increase attendance. When combined with traditional advertisng just about anyone can launch an effective campagin. So what are some of the best ways to harness the power of social media to help spread the word of your event? Here are some important things to keep in mind:

Start NOW – The earlier you start spreading the word, the better off you’ll be. Get your event listed in Facebook Events and start sending out introductory Tweets about it. If you have videos, get them uploaded early. You want buzz about your event to build.

Update Often – The more updates you make and information you add about your event, the more contact you will have with your audience. In turn, the more likely they will be to attend and spread the word of your event for you. Content is king, so keep it coming.

Aim Wide – One post won't do much. Get your event information in front of as many people as many times as possible. Hit Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr and Blogger to promote your event.
Remind Them – Don’t forget to keep reminding people about your event as it approaches. Keeping your event at the top of peoples’ minds leading up to it does not give them a chance to forget the event.

Post-Event Follow – If you’re going to promote your event via social media, wrap up with it as well. Share photos, videos, and quotes through the same channels you used to promote. This will give those that did attend a chance to recap the event and those that didn’t a chance to see what they missed.

Pierce Events offers complete event planning, production and management services for corporate, social and non-profit events. For more information and other helpful tips visit our website at www.pierceevents.net

1 comment:

H. Amina said...

Listing with Eventing along with posting to the Social Media events calendar ( http://goo.gl/bSeJ2 ) and other business technology events calendars at http://TechVenue.com would also be a powerful combo.


Harold A.